I have received the following from the Highways Team:
Please find attached Healthy School Street Experimental Traffic Management Order (ETMO), information and consultation leaflet [see attachment below]
The leaflet explains that following the temporary suspension (for the reasons outlined in the leaflet) of the existing Montpelier Road School Street on 1 March 2022, the council is now reintroducing the Healthy School Street under a new ETMO for a maximum period of 18 months on 25 April 2022.
The new 18 month ETMO will include a 6 month statutory consultation period from 25 April 2022 – 25 October 2022, where those affected by the scheme will be able to submit objections if they wish to do so, the leaflet explains in detail how those affected can get involved. Feedback from those impacted by the previous experiment suggested that the scheme would benefit from an additional advance warning sign, which the council has agreed to install as part of the new experiment.
The attached leaflet will be sent to our contractors next Thursday who will then print and deliver this to local residents in the area, the school and key external stakeholders. In tandem with this the council will be advertising the ETMO notice in the local press and installing street notices on site, notifying those affected of the reintroduced Healthy School Street scheme.
I have asked whether appropriate signage will be installed on Brighton Road as I have received concerns previously about poor signage previously..