WATCH: Cllr Luke Shortland supports Mayor Jason Perry's Budget 10th March 2023 I supported Mayor Jason Perry's Budget on Wednesday, which will help get Croydon's finances back in order. You can watch my speech above, or read the transcript... ArticlesLocal NewsSpeeches
Cllr. Andy Stranack: Open and honest about the tough decisions ahead 2nd March 2023 This budget is challenging, none of us like voting for a 15% Council tax increase. However the Mayor has set out his key priorities in the Mayors business plan... Speeches
Cllr. Lynne Hale: This budget will lay strong foundations for a Croydon we will one day be proud of again. 1st March 2023 Thank you Madam Chair The previous Labour administration left a housing service in very poor shape and this is strongly reflected in the Budget papers. They... Speeches
Cllr. Yvette Hopley: The Cabinet are committed to protecting statutory services 1st March 2023 Madam Mayor, Thank you for the opportunity to speak on the budget this evening. For Adult Social Care we are able to present a balanced budget and in fact have... Speeches
Cllr. Ola Kolade: A responsible budget, a prudent budget and a safe budget 1st March 2023 I welcome this budget, and thank The section 151 officer, the cabinet member for Finance and other officers for the work they put in to produce this budget... Speeches
Cllr. Jason Cummings: This budget takes the hard decisions 1st March 2023 Thank you Madam Chair Can I start by thanking officers right across the Council for their work in producing the budget before us today, particularly those in... Speeches
Cllr. Jason Cummings: We share the anger and frustration of residents 1st March 2023 The response to this petition was in no way a surprise. We share the anger and frustration of residents at the proposed council tax rise. It is not something... Speeches
Cllr. Alasdair Stewart: We cannot cut or borrow more 1st March 2023 I would firstly like to thank everyone who organised this petition and everyone who has signed it, along with residents who have contacted me and other... Speeches
Adele Benson slams failing Labour over appalling Council Housing in Fieldway 4th January 2022 At the last Council meeting, Adele Benson, our fantastic candidate for New Addington North, called out the Labour Council for their shocking record on Council... ArticlesLocal NewsOpinionsSpeeches