This has been such a dark year for so many people due to Covid-19.
Children and young people have been profoundly affected in many ways.
This is a time when residents would look to à responsible Council to protect and safeguard the most vulnerable children and young people. What we have in Croydon is a Labour Administration that has bankrupted the Council through reckless investment and financial incompetence. Unless the Government agrees to their request for a loan no services will be delivered.
To save themselves the Labour council intend to cut services and support to children and young people that will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable children and families. Vital Early Help and Adolescent Teams will be cut preventing early intervention for families and support to those adolescents at risk of exploitation and violence. Goldcrest Youth Centre will be closed and the Turnaround Centre in South Croydon sold. It is likely too, that some Children's Centres will be closed.
Care packages for children with disabilities will be cut affecting children and families as well as SEN Transport for very young children.
One of the biggest costs to the Council is Children in Care and the Council have cut those numbers right down. We know the life chances of Children in Care can be grim so returning to a stable home is the best thing for them. We want these children to be safe. In the 2017 Ofsted inspection vulnerable children were found to be at risk of serious harm under the care of the Labour Council. We never want to see that happen again yet so many services that offer support and care to the most vulnerable families are being cut.
Sadly the Children's Services Department remains overspent despite all the warnings and reports. We can expect more cuts to come.