As you know, flood mitigation has been a huge priority for me as previously blogged on a number of occasions.
My ward colleagues and I, as well as our Cllrs Gayle & Ola over in Kenley have been lobbying for measures to help deal with the effects of flooding and I have held a number of site visits with Council officers, TfL, Conway alongside the Purley BID and owner of Lucinda’s, Mary Coughlan who has severely impacted by the aftermath of flooding over a number of years. I have also met with Thames Water to raise concerns.
Alongside, the Council’s commitments, increasing the frequency of street cleaning on Foxley Lane and the surrounding roads, and the addition of Foxley Lane to its Flood Alleviation Programme, I’m thrilled that TfL have confirmed that they will be undertaking a suite of work on Foxley Lane and in the Purley Gyratory area starting on Monday 27th January and expected to be concluded by the end of March.
Thames Water will also be undertaking works where they have remit, and I will seek clarification on the nature of these works as this remains unclear.
Works include:
- New drainage channels
- Upgrades to existing gullies
- The replacement of some roadside barriers, kerb and footway works
- Installation of a new fence
- The relevelling of a footpath adjacent to verge
A timetable is provided as below:

How our works may affect you
Whilst work is underway, a single eastbound lane restriction outside David Clifford Court and the Purley Library will be required to preserve a safe working environment for contractors.
During the final week of the works (TfL P1.1), access off Foxley Lane on the side of David Clifford Court, leading to the rear of properties nos. 6 – 13 Russell Hill Road, will be closed to enable the safe construction of a new drainage channel.
Over the weekend 22-24 March (TfL P2.1), TfL will undertake a number of additional works including repairs to piping and the replacement of gully pots. On Sunday 30-31 March (TfL P2.2), they will be excavating to repair a damaged pipe, as well as non-intrusive repairs.
Diversions/Pedestrian, cycling access and buses
Diversions will be required for phases 1.1, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2, necessary signage will be put in place to indicate the diversion route.
As things stand, for drivers wishing to make the right filter from Foxley Lane onto Russell Hill Road, they will be directed onto Pampisford Road and Edgehill Road in order to join Purley Way.
TfL will put signage on suspended bus stops, if any to direct customers to the nearest alternative stop. Visit for live updates. I’ll seek clarification on suspended bus routes.
Contacting TfL whilst there are issues
Letters from TfL will be sent to residents who are within the vicinity of these works on Monday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact TfL’s customer services team, available 24-hours a day, seven days a week on 0343 222 1234, or by email to: [email protected]
TfL have assured us that they will make every effort to finish the work on time, although poor weather conditions may mean they may need to reschedule at short notice.
Whilst we recognise that these works will cause disruption and apologise for any inconvenience caused, we hope these vital works will mitigate against major future impacts of flooding and help local residents and popular businesses like Lucinda’s. My thanks go to TfL, Council officers and Thames Water for their joined-up approach and ensuring that these important and long overdue works have now got the go-ahead.
Your ward councillors also on hand at [email protected] or [email protected] if you wish to raise any issues.
Cllr Samir Dwesar